Lessons learned (and taught) – Academia and careers in the United States

by Adam Ray Smith - University of Iceland

Friday, February 9th from 12:30 to 13:30 in Askja N-131

There are a surprising number of differences between academia in the USA and in Europe. This includes basic structural differences in universities, the distribution of research funds, and even the way students are taught and supported at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Ongoing changes in US institutions have led to the emergence of a new academic career path over the last decade – the “non-tenure track” (NTT) teaching faculty role. As someone who spent 5 years serving as NTT faculty at a large research university, I will talk about my experiences in the role and the things I learned working as a teaching-focused faculty member. I would also like to have an open discussion on differences between programs in the US and elsewhere, particularly for graduate students and postdocs. So be sure to bring questions!

Zoom link: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/61978127701 Meeting ID: 619 7812 7701

Ugla link: https://ugla.hi.is/vidburdir/SkodaVidburd.php?sid=1448&vidburdur_id=9055
