Biology seminar - From analytical chemistry to biological insights


This seminar is open to all!

On April 19th at 12:30 to 13:30 Dr. Maonian Xu , Adjunct Lecturer in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland, will present:

From analytical chemistry to biological insights – an introduction into analytical facilities in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, HÍ

Analytical methods are used for qualitative and quantitative analyses of chemical substances, e.g. ergosterol in soil samples for fungal biomass estimation, bitter compounds in hops and beers, etc. Advances in metabolomics also enable hypothesis-generating studies, in addition to hypothesis testing ones. The talk aims to introduce analytical chemistry instruments, mostly chromatography systems (e.g. analytical and preparative high performance liquid chromatography) installed in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and foster research collaborations between faculties and industries. Examples of previous collaborations will also be presented to highlight advantages of the interdisciplinary studies (e.g. carotenoids and polysaccharides in Icelandic seaweeds, antibiotic stereoisomers in Icelandic lichens).

Join the seminar in room N-131 or on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 637 3559 6593
